The political opposition to Vladimir Putin has been famously weak, and in some cases rumored to be Kremlin-backed. Boris Nemtsov, one of the co-chairs and initiators said: "We think that if the law about party creation is simplified, Putin will try to shatter the democratic camp by founding a whole series of parties that will fight amongst themselves".
He further impresses the importance of standing together against Putin: "If five or six centers of attraction appear on the democratic front, it will be a catastrophe and everyone will receive 2 percent of the vote. This threat is obvious and understood, therefore we started to think about how to start a super party."
A reform in the Russian political system is not only accute for the Russian people, but also for oversea investors. Under Putins reign, foreign investment has been limited, due to a non efficient judicial system and non excisting property rights. Boris Nemtsov has been a long time opposer of Putin and his party. Nemtsov has on several occasions been arrested for anti-Putin demonstrations. The only question is - will the Russian people take this man seriously, and give him a chance to change Russia?